Devesh Rx Blog

Stop Aiming for Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness is Myth, most of motivational speakers will always convince you that you should focus on happiness & keep chasing happiness; even in our pop culture it is been showed that chasing happiness is good thing & once you got happiness it will be eternal. but the thing is if you are continuously chasing happiness then you will never find stable happiness because you didn’t understand these basic fundamental concepts

Stop Aiming for Happiness

Pursuite of Happiness is Myth, you might have heard this phrase ‘pursuite of happiness’, ‘you must chase happiness’, or ‘aim for happiness’; most of motivational speakers will always convinve you that you should focus on happiness & keep chasing happiness; even in our pop culture it is been showed that chasing happiness is good thing & once you got happiness it will be eternal. but the thing is if you are continously chasing happiness then you will never find stable happiness because you didn’t understand these basic fundamental concepts

Happiness is a state of mind & so is sadness

Happy & Sad states are designed to coexists in brain. people thinks that state of mind is linear but in fact brain runs on biochemicals & state of brain always fluctuate between happy & sad spectrum. this serves as certain evolutionary purpose that’s why happy & sad state co-exists in your brain.

Aim for satisfication instead of happiness

happy & sad both are temporary state of mind & you will get over it soon. but Satisfaction is permanent. the feeling of satisfaction is 100x times far more rewarding than happiness. satisfaction can be gain by various ways such as drawing, working on your business or just simply doing things that you love.

Practice Delayed Gratification

we are living in golden age of instant gratification. with a push of a button you can purchase anything on amazon & it will be at your doorstep within 24hrs. or best example is tiktok & instagram reels which gives you short burst of happiness in just 30 second of videoes. focus more on delaying rewards you get & avoid instant rewards. example workout daily because you won’t be seeing healthy effects of workout in few days, you have to workout consistently for atleast few months to see healthy effects of workout.

Happiness is unacceptable by society

we live in a capitalist society, normally you won’t buy expensive unnecessary products; there has to be some motive & that’s where advertisement & marketing come in play. most advertisement campaign are designed to tap into your insecurities to sell you products. A Happy & satisfied person will never buy unnecessary products but a sad insecure person will do whatever it takes to make him happy; which is shop like a lavish. so the moral is; even if you are happy; society has various triggger points to keep you unhappy for healthy capitalist society & you will always endup in pursuing state of happiness instead of being real happy state. have you ever seen a happy person drinking or smoking? nope! me neither.

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