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Pharmacology is the science that deals with the study of drugs and their interaction with the living system. the word pharmacology is derived from greek word-'Pharmacon' meaning an active principle and 'logos' meaning a discourse
In the Absorption & Distribution process, a drug has to move across various biological membranes like cell wall, blood-brain barrier etc. the biological membrane is made up of 2 layers of phospholipids with intermingled protein molecules. All Lipid-Soluble substances get dissolved in cell membrane & they are easily permeated into the cells.
Pharmacology is a very big field of study of medicine, this will be an introduction in which you learn basic fundamentals concepts essential to learn pharmacology.
The nervous system is divided into central and peripheral nervous systems. The peripheral nervous system consists of autonomic and somatic nervous systems.
A drug generally has three categories of names: Chemical names, non-proprietary & Proprietary (Brand) name.
Pharmacology is the science of drugs (Greek: Pharmacon–drug; logos-discourse in) . In a broad sense, it deals with interaction of exogenously administered chemical molecules (drugs) with living systems. It encompasses all aspects of knowledge about drugs, but most importantly those that are relevant to effective and safe use for medicinal purposes.
Antimicrobial drugs are the greatest contribution of the 20th century to therapeutics. Their advent changed the outlook of the physician about the power drugs can have on diseases. They are one of the few curative drugs. Drugs in this class differ from all others in that they are designed to inhibit/kill the infecting organism and […]
The useful and toxic effects of many plants and animals products were known to man since ancient times. Infact, there has been a quest for drugs and remedies since the existence of mankind itself. In early days, there was a close relationship between religion and the treatment of disease. The knowledge of the use of […]