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Dark Side of Tech Industry | Explained

Tech Industry is cool but it has some dark side which nobody talks about. Let's Explore some dark side of Tech industry from Career & Business perspective.

Dark Side of Tech Industry | Explained

Tech Industry is cool but it has some dark side which nobody talks about. Let's Explore some dark side of Tech industry from Career & Business perspective.

it’s been 7+ years I been in tech industry as Entrepreneur & software developer. One thing that I notice is everyone talks about how cool it is, lots of Money in tech career but nobody talks about the dark side of coding & career in tech. so in today’s video we will discussing some darks sides of Tech as career or business. Now before we start let me tell you, I have created lots cool android apps, like QR code scanner, SMS Drive, Indra Video Chat, Text Master and many more and I have made some profits, some loss & again some profit. I can share with you insights that no one else will share, this will be very valuable knowledge for you if you are starting career or business in tech industry.

Nature of Industry

Before you enter into any industry, you have to understand it’s nature. Tech industry is only industry which is very fast moving. Example, previously we were using Java for Android apps and today we are using kotlin language to create native Android apps. On web development side, in old days PHP was popular but in modern days javascript web frameworks like React, Vue, Angular are go-to choice for building any website. This fast pace innovation has one problem. When you learn a concept of a coding language, Library or API, there is always possibility that it will become old outdated in next few years and it will replaced by newer one. Example: in year 2010s everyone was using Wordpress with PHP to build blogs & website, but with the rise of new & better web framework like NextJS, Astro, VueJS, now everyone is using more lightweight Web Framework to build website instead of heavy framework like WordPress, it doesn’t mean being a WordPress developer is useless, it’s just demand in Industry is decreased. You have to keep learning new things, which is good for crazy passionate people but for others this leads to burnout problem.

Quick Burnout & Short career life span

Due to its fast pace innovation, you can’t keep up your learning speed with the speed of innovation. When you are young can handle the stress but as you grow older your priorities change and stress management of understanding & learning new technology becomes difficult. This eventually leads to burn out & you can see plenty of people in tech getting burnout even though they have good salary. To avoid this burnout many people shift to management position in tech company like CEO, CTO instead of staying in as hardcore software coder.

Tech industry is political

This might come shocking to you but based of recent events in 2020, everything in tech industry is becoming political & political correctness. From censorship to authoritative & big monopoly. As a small business owner it might not affect you much but as you grow a company, eventually government will interfere with you business practice irrespective of weather you are right or wrong. Example: if you read the Julian Assange & Snowden whistleblower document, you will see this pattern of government spying or trying to take control of what type of content you are exposed to, to Fit their political correctness. if you are business owner in tech industry, a point will come in your journey when your company will become big enough to attract attention of politicians & government and you will shake hands with devil or face the consequences. This leads to another dark side of tech industry which nobody talks about.

Technology is Force Multiplier

Technology is a force Multiplier & ability to write code and build tech products is biggest super power you can have. Difference between other industry & tech industry is, once you create a software product you can easily scale up. Which means once you write a code, you don’t have to write it again & again for every customer. Just write once & sell it to infinite number of consumers, which is good a thing. Due to this force Multiplier effect, your one single action affects millions of people’s live, which gives you tremendous power to influence people’s live. Now the only question is can you use this power for good purpose or bad ??

tech industry
Information Technology
software developer

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