Devesh Rx Blog

Secret to Success in Life

Exploring Philosophy of Life as a Game & how to implement it in life to become successful.

Secret to Success in Life

Today I’m going to teach you a simple technique & perspective to detach yourself from materialistic world in healthy way but detach enough to indulge in materialism to achieve your life goals. Life goals can be anything like getting rich, hobbies etc.

Life is a Game and you need Gamify your life.

It is very simple but difficult to implement in life because we are surrounded by people whose actions are driven by emotions instead logical & pragmatic thinking. Now these 2 are separate things, “Life is a Game” is perspective to look at life & “Gamification of Life” is a technique which you can implement in your day-to-day chores or activities to make the best out of your time. This will be an intellectually heavy video so stick with me till the end.

Life is a game

Let’s talk about the perspective of “Life is a game”, in ancient Indian Vedic literature there is a concept of “Maya” which is a Sanskrit word, it means illusion or matrix, the word has multiple meanings but the philosophical context is; everything in life is a “maya” aka “illusion”, that’s why you should not get attached to materialism otherwise you will never find fulfilment or true happiness in life. This philosophy works great in ancient times because they have simple life with simple pleasures. Today’s life of people is complex, filled with complex pleasure which are hard to resist that’s why it has become extremely difficult to renounce all the materialistic desires….. but on the bright side it has become very easy to fulfil your desires which plays crucial role in fulfilment of life. The only problem is people don’t know how to fulfil their desires without being attached to it. This bring us back to our point that “Life is Game”, You cannot renounce all your desires but at the same time you cannot be attached to it, to solve this dilemma you need to look at life as a Game because game has finite story line, one starting point & one ending point, weather that be video game or sports it’s true for all. Having awareness of start & end point keeps you attach enough to play the game but emotionally detach enough to move on with life once the game is ended. When you develop this perspective, you can logically deal with problems by figuring it out like a puzzle game. Just like any games you can assign a goal to your life and figure it out like a puzzle. Doing so will get you closer to life goals in long run of life.

Gamification of Life

Now let’s talk about technique, you can gamify your life by seeing your life goals as a game & you are player in it. We all have different dreams, different life goals & different problems to solve in life, to Gamify it you need to understand these 3 key important rules

Rule #1: “Learn the Rules of Game”

Everything in life weather that be a business, college exam, dating, politics is governed by unspoken rules & hidden human behaviour patterns which is hard to understand for average minds….. but if you think & analyse from logical and pragmatics mindset you will begin to see repeating patterns, behaviours and rules in the game. This is how you find & learn the rules of game.

Rule #2: “Life is Single Player Game”

In the end, life is all about you & you have to take ownership of everything in life from success, failures & milestones to everything. while playing the grandiose game of life, always think of yourself first before thinking of anyone’s else. This doesn’t mean you have to become a selfish person, just know when to keep your Life Goals as Primary & other unnecessary activities as secondary.

Rule #3: “Don’t get attached”

This is the most important rule, never get attached to outcome or results or rewards, being too attached to outcomes makes you anxious in life & being too attached to materialistic desires will make your life miserable even after fulfilling it. So, keep your emotional attachment away from outcomes and focus on present aka playing the big game of life. This rule applies in business life, college life, dating game and new year resolutions almost to any materialistic dream.

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