Devesh Rx Blog

How to Think ? Build Thinking Skill

Thinking skill is most underrated skill that most people doesn’t have & they will never learn.

How to Think ? Build Thinking Skill

Thinking skill is most underrated skill that most people doesn’t have & they will never learn.

If you are in your 20s & read this article, this will change your life; because I’m gonna teach you one single underrated skill that most people doesn’t have & they will never learn. That is Thinking. Thinking is skill especially How to Think.

As a kids, in our schools & colleges we been taught what to think. Like the subjects, curriculum, syllabus all of this is ready made thrown at you at very young age. Because of which you never focus on how to think aspect, & instead you learn to be obedient person who don’t know how to think as an individual. Now to build a Thinking Skill, Especially how to think, you have to understand this as it is like a muscle, the more you workout, more you will develop. You have to practice Thinking daily like a muscle.

Now I’m not gonna teach you how to think because it’s complicated & highly nuance which can’t be taught in a single video. But I’m gonna teach you some methods that will help you in developing thinking skill.

Best way is to solve a problems & focus on problem solving process; problems can be anything in life such as problems you face in writing code, or career related problems, or relationship problems, or a simple maths problem. Apart from this here are 3 basic principles

  • Theorising & predicting
  • Evaluating
  • Thought Organisation

Theorising & predicting

when you are solving any problems or face any difficult situation try to create different theories with logical approach, also try predicting various outcomes and by doing so sometimes you might be wrong & sometimes you might be right; that’s how you improve by continuous practice.


now when it comes to evaluating any event, situation or problems, you must approach it practical, pragmatic, logical & rational perspective and most importantly avoid quick-easy irrational or delusional thoughts. for example when you failed in exam inspite of your hardwork , you don’t blame it on bad luck or god because there are thousands of variables which play role & they are not in control by you, like maybe teacher was in bad mood or maybe it’s just not your place to be. that is how to evaluate a particular event in logical approach.

Thought Organization

organising your thought is essential, Elon Musk famously said “focus on signal over noise”, same thing you must do with your thought. there are various ways to do it & there is no such thing as one way fits all. you can try mediation or my favorite method is writting it down in your diary or use any note taking app such as google keep or Notion. do whatever suits you but make sure your thoughts are well organized, well structured

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