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Entrepreneur Sharing Tech Expertise & Life Lessons

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Build full website using vercel v0 AI

learn how to use AI to build websites which are production grade quality & ready to deploy. using AI in process of web development can significantly decrease time you spend on coding

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Build Markdown Blog with Next JS

Build a simple Markdown Blog in just 4 simple steps. markdown blogs are getting popular as they are easy to maintain, flexible & very cheap. you can build blog for free without any compromising in SEO or Performance.

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Sanity.IO Review | Best Headless Content Management System

Weather you are building blog or ecommerce website, there is one thing that you can’t live without, that is Content management system to create, manage & store your valuable content on server. in this article will be deep diving into Sanity as CMS for your new shinny website or app.

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Dark Side of Tech Industry | Explained

Tech Industry is cool but it has some dark side which nobody talks about. Let's Explore some dark side of Tech industry from Career & Business perspective.

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3 Life Lessons from Gucci Family on Building Family Legacy | House of Gucci | Pop Culture Philosophy

Building a family business is difficult & building a legacy is extremely difficult. you need to learn how to handle & build family legacy and in this video we are going to discuss the important life lessons that you can learn from Gucci Family who used to own Italian Luxury Brand Gucci. I’m going to used movie as a reference along with other historical events to teach these 3 important life lessons.

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Stop Aiming for Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness is Myth, most of motivational speakers will always convince you that you should focus on happiness & keep chasing happiness; even in our pop culture it is been showed that chasing happiness is good thing & once you got happiness it will be eternal. but the thing is if you are continuously chasing happiness then you will never find stable happiness because you didn’t understand these basic fundamental concepts

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Understanding Concept of Social Media

Deleting Instagram or Social Media account is like being ignorant & running away from problems instead of understanding the issues. In this video, I'll explain importance of social media in our life with it's advantage & disadvantage.

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Planting Datura for Home Garden

Learn how to grow Datura plant for your backyard garden or home gallery. Datura is Poisonous Plant so be careful while handling with plant.

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